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Learn to Sail at a New Zealand Sailing School

by Sailing Teacher

Want to advance your sailing skills or work in the Super-Yacht industry then why not train in some of the best cruising areas in the world? New Zealand could be the place to do it all with the recent introduction of the RYA Practical and Shore-based Sailing courses. The New Zealand Coastguard Boating Education Service adopted the UK based RYA [Royal Yachting Association] training scheme 4 years ago into NZ and the growth has surprised and exceeded CBES expectations.  Most of the Training Centres are in the Bay of Islands and Auckland areas although there are a few in the more southern parts of the country. Glen Caulton, Principle and Chief Instructor of Baysail NZ located in the Bay of Islands said when you have thousands of square miles of cruising waters and hundreds of islands at your door-step you have the perfect training area. So, you can expect both gentle and heavy weather sailing but also take in the spectacular coastline, bays, harbours and wealth of marine life including whales and dolphins.

Sailing courses offered by the RYA Training Centres lead to qualifications and certificates which are internationally recognised which now see more than 11,000 people who have completed the RYA/MCA qualifications working as crew on yachts all over the world. All the Training Centres in NZ offer approved courses and their operating procedures are monitored which ensures high standards of instruction and safety management.

With a RYA Course Completion Certificate you can enjoy your recreational boating with more confidence, whether you want to be a useful crew member, skipper your own yacht with family and friends or be able to charter a yacht virtually anywhere in the world.

Gaining a RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore [ Master of Yachts 200gt 150nm ] and Yachtmaster Ocean [ Master of Yachts 200gt unrestricted ] certificates leads to careers in the exciting Super-Yacht industry. The worldwide yachting industry has grown dramatically over recent years, bringing more legislation, higher safety standards, a flourishing job market which puts pressure on employers to make sure their staff are properly and competently qualified and trained.

You can only teach so much in the class-room and the practical sailing courses we provide are the only way to ensure we can develop and access people’s sailing, seamanship and management skills, says Glen. Even if you are relatively inexperienced it is amazing how much you can achieve in a short space of time. The great thing about these courses is that you can jump in at any level depending on your previous boating. Why not learn from an instructor who wishes to pass on their knowledge, have an adventure and see some beautiful coastline all at the same time.

Clen Caulton runs a great New Zealand sailing school, see the website for dates and prices www.baysailnz.co.nz. The small-sized courses are run in the Bay of Islands, nice spot with some good Bay of Islands accommodation options available for visitors.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.com/Article/Learn-to-Sail-at-a-New-Zealand-Sailing-School/307637



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