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Chandlery   >   Marine Navigation & Instruments | Radars
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Furuno DRS12ANXT/4 Radar Pedestal 4' Array - 15M Cable
Our Price $6,395.00
Retail Price: $7,775.00

DRS12ANXT/4 Radar Pedestal 4' Array - 15M Cable

The high-power NXT solid-state Radar options for NavNet TZtouch2 and TZtouch3. These radar options pack serious power and include several Furuno exclusive features: Target Analyzer™ highlights targets in red or green to indicate potential danger, Fast Target Tracking™ displays target vectors in mere seconds, ARPA displays and tracks up to 100 targets in a single sweep, Bird Mode automatically adjusts gain and sea settings to help you find those feathered friends, and Rain Mode turns storm cells blue so you can easily navigate around the weather. Works with NavNet TZtouch2/Tztouch3 MFDs. The high-power DRS12A-NXT and DRS25A-NXT are 100W and 200W respectively.


  • High-power 100W (DRS12A-NXT) or 200W (DRS25A-NXT) Solid State Radars for NavNet Tztouch2 and Tztouch3
  • Utilize 3.5-foot, 4-foot, or 6-foot Open Array antennas
  • Target Analyzer™ shows dangerous targets approaching your boat by automatically changing their color to red
  • Fast Target Tracking™ displays a targets speed and course vector in only seconds after acquiring
  • Bird mode works automatically adjusting the gain & sea settings for optimal visibility
  • Rain Mode isolates rain cells, so that you can clearly see your targets
  • Exceptional short-range detection

Furuno DRS Radars are available in bundled kits that include the DRS Radar, Antenna, and signal cable. Models ending in /3 include the XN10A/3 antenna. Models ending in /4 include the XN12A/4 antenna. Models ending in /6 include the XN13A/6 antenna.

This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Please contact the manufacturer directly with any issues or concerns.

Item # Product ManufacturerRetail PriceOur Price
83550 Furuno DRS12ANXT/4 Radar Pedestal 4' Array - 15M CableFuruno $ 7775.00$ 6395.00

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