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Quick Step
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QuickStep Foot Pad
Doyle Marine
Sale Price $19.95
Retail Price: $24.95

The Biggest Little Step in Boating

The design of QuickStep was determined from extensive testing in a variety of applications over a period of years. You will find both the width and depth generous enough for all foot sizes, but unlike many boating steps, the depth of QuickStep is comfortable even for bare feet. The width is enough to accommodate a large boot, but not so wide that it's difficult to center your weight.

QuickStep is a great emergency step - easy to grab - quick to secure - able to work in a variety of areas on or around your boat. An excellent boarding aid for everyday use.

QuickStep makes easy work of many situations that might otherwise be tense and cumbersome, such as bow handling when leaving your dock (simply hook it near the bow, push off and step aboard). Hook it on the mast and get on top of your sail covers. It's exceptional as a step from dinghy to deck and provides the boost you need to get in your dinghy from the water and other small watercraft.

QuickStep is the perfect travel-boarding step - compact and easy to store - small enough to fit in a drawer. You can even take it with you on your next charter!

QuickStep requires little or no maintenance. It is easily adjusted to a variety of heights. Lines contour to your application when applied as directed. Properly used, QuickStep will increase your boating safety, comfort, and enjoyment.

  • Affordable, Durable, Compact and Lightweight
  • QuickStep 1 makes a Great Gift
  • Don't Leave Port Without It!

This item is the Foot Pad Only

The pad is designed to work with a variety of line sizes. If you are using the side slots, it will handle lines from 1/4" to 1/2". Simply created a loop and snap in the line - hook it off and you're ready to go!

Video of QuickStep's in Action!

Item # Product ManufacturerPrice
QS-1PO QuickStep Foot PadDoyle Marine $ 24.95
Sale price:$ 19.95

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