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Chandlery   >   Phone Accessories
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Phone Hugger Rail Mount
Doyle Marine
Sale Price $19.95

Phone Hugger Rail Mount - for bicycles, boats, motorcycles and more.

Features good quality foam, auto-expansion at the press of a button and easy secure clamping. We have used this extensively at Doyle Marine and have never had an unexpected or untimely release of a phone. Used on bicycles, motorcycles, sailboats and power boats.

Once you have inserted the phone and pressed the sides together, the foam increasingly contours itself to the phone, making for an even more secure fit than the initial fitting when first pressed together.

Unloading your phone is just as easy - simply press the release button and the hugger on each side releases and expands automatically.

Swivel adjustment is super simple and the variety of angles is sure to please you.

Rail clamping is easy and adjustable to a variety of rail sizes.

As with all items of this nature - simple finger tightening is more than adequate to secure your phone with this great rail mount from Doyle Marine. This is not recommended for extreme sports such as mountain biking, motocross and the like without additional strapping and tethering.

Click to see the Phone Hugger Rail Mount in action.....

Item # Product ManufacturerPrice
PHUG-RAIL Phone Hugger Rail MountDoyle Marine $ 24.95
Sale price:$ 19.95

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